Shackelford Road Improvements

- Commercial Developers
- Education
- Local Governments
- Residential Developers
- Award Winning
- Construction
- Drainage
- Engineering
- Roadways + Interchanges
- Transportation
- St Louis County, Missouri
In a time when typical projects in the St. Louis area consist of milling and overlaying roadways and improving curb ramps at an intersection, the Shackelford Road improvements exemplifies the ability to use practical design solutions to achieve innovative results. From the re-use of existing enclosed drainage facilities and underlying base pavement where possible, to the creativity and flexibility to acquire personal residences and close roadway connections for the greater good, the County promoted unique solutions to meet and exceed their goals for the corridor.
During construction, when there was a perceived better way to handle an issue, or when conflicts arose between existing and proposed conditions, the entire team pulled together to quickly and effectively collaborate on solutions. This heavily-traveled corridor contained myriad traffic concerns and a mix of residential, commercial, and institutional uses.
The final Shackelford Road improvements provided solutions benefiting the community by:
- Connecting various pedestrian elements with transit opportunities and allowing pedestrians of all abilities to traverse the corridor unimpeded
- Improving project-wide water quality and protecting downstream creeks through stormwater management volume reductions
- Reducing dangerous crash occurrences through the use of medians and two-way left-turn lanes
- Leveraging technology and cost reduction strategies to create sustainable solutions. The finished project was a cooperative effort among the stakeholders, the contractor, the St. Louis County DOT, and HR Green, and would not have been possible without tireless coordination and open lines of communication
ACEC Missouri – Honor Award.