Holt Avenue Corridor Improvements Enhance Safety


  • Local Governments
  • Public Sector


  • Award Winning
  • Government Services
  • Local Government Engineering


  • Pomona, California

Challenge: The City of Pomona, established in 1888, is a historically disadvantaged community in Los Angeles County, facing significant financial and resource constraints. A critical area of concern is the Holt Avenue Corridor, a major arterial route extending over 10 miles and crossing through two counties and three cities. Within Pomona, this corridor is home to a diverse array of businesses, medical offices, restaurants, various housing types, Village Academy High School, and Garfield Park and Community Center.

Despite its importance, the corridor suffered from a high incidence of traffic accidents, crime, trash, and other issues. The city’s goal was to transform this corridor to enhance cleanliness, safety, accessibility, and aesthetics, thereby improving the quality of life for residents and visitors alike.

Solution: Our involvement began when the City of Pomona approached us to review early conceptual plans for the Holt Avenue Corridor that had been prepared by another consultant. After our thorough review, we identified several areas for improvement and proceeded to develop a detailed traffic study. This study included taking 24-hour turning movement counts at 85 intersections and 60 private driveways, forecasting, and traffic model development to document existing, future no-build, and future build conditions.

Impacts were considered at each private driveway where access may be restricted. Four revised conceptual design options that better aligned with the City’s vision for the corridor were presented to the public and City Council prior to proceeding with the selected final design alternative. This early-stage work was pivotal, as it helped the City secure $5 million in grant funding for the project.

Safety, Utilities, and Aesthetic Improvements

Our comprehensive solution included a range of improvements aimed at addressing the multifaceted challenges of the corridor. We planned and executed the reconstruction of select existing sidewalks to improve pedestrian safety and ADA accessibility. Enhancing street and pedestrian lighting was critical for both safety and aesthetics, while pavement reconstruction enabled smoother traffic flow. Utility improvements and traffic signal upgrades further enhanced the corridor’s functionality.

The installation of new medians, trash receptacles, bus shelters, and benches, along with extensive median and parkway landscaping, including green stormwater infrastructure, significantly beautified the area. In addition, the project incorporated opportunities for public art in the Garey Avenue underpass, featuring new lighting along the abutment walls to increase safety and visual appeal. Enhancements to Garfield Park included a new circuit trail for walking and jogging, complete with workout stations at designated intervals, promoting healthy lifestyles among residents.

Benefit: Upon completion of the Holt Avenue Corridor project the City of Pomona will yield substantial benefits for the City and its residents. The revitalized corridor will be a safer and more inviting space, with reduced traffic accidents and enhanced public safety thanks to improved lighting and pedestrian infrastructure. The aesthetic upgrades and public art installations will not only beautify the area but also foster a stronger sense of community pride.

The new sidewalks, ADA accessibility improvements, and public amenities such as bus shelters and benches will make the corridor more accessible and comfortable for all users, particularly those with disabilities. The enhancements to Garfield Park will provide a valuable recreational space that encourages physical activity and community engagement. Overall, the project will significantly transform the Holt Avenue Corridor into a vibrant and safe thoroughfare, improving the quality of life for residents and supporting the City of Pomona’s vision for a more sustainable and connected community.

“Great work to the HR Green Team for their hard-earned work in getting us to this point with this Clean California Grant and our Holt project. I am very pleased with the team attitude and the respect, care, and loyalty that HR Green has shown through all our projects. I am confident that we will be able to have an executed agreement and a Holt project that will deliver the criteria we have defined as we set out to make it a reality for our residents!”

-City Engineer



HR Green 2023 Governmental Services Project of the Year

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