
Blanco County News: City Sewer GIS Survey/Mapping Report - TWDB

December 13, 2018

TWDB - Blanco and HR Green Staff

On January 22, 2018, the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) approved the selection of six small Texas communities to participate in the initial TWBD Asset Management Program for Small Systems (AMPSS) Pilot Initiative.

Under this pilot initiative, the TWDB is assisting smaller water and wastewater systems by funding the creation of a comprehensive asset management plan, and other management tools, for the entity. Contractors that have been pre-qualified by the TWDB will undertake the development of the plan in cooperation with the entity’s staff. HR Green has been pre-qualified by the TWDB and is currently assisting the City of Blanco, TX, with their Asset Management Plan.

Upon the successful completion of the project, the entity will receive an asset management plan, sustainability plan, system operations and maintenance manual, compliance manual, installation of the developed tools on the entity’s computer system, as well as training for system management and staff.

In November 2018, surveyors from HR Green looked for 200 manholes in Blanco Texas. Then they presented a preliminary report to Blanco Mayor Herden and representatives from the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission. The survey data collected will reside in a Geographic Information System (GIS) the City will be able to utilize in 2019.

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Article posted with permission from Blanco County News

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