Mills County Broadband Strategy + Installation


  • Public Sector


  • Broadband
  • Broadband Planning
  • Public


  • Mills County, Iowa

Challenge: The leadership in Mills County, Iowa was aware of significant issues in broadband coverage and speeds to homes, businesses, schools, and facilities. As a proactive measure, they wanted to define and clarify problem areas, determine options for improving coverage, and position the County for potential growth. They asked:

  • What is currently in place through municipal, dark, middle mile, and private providers, and what are their plans?
  • What gaps does that leave in the County, and what are the options to fill those gaps through municipal infrastructure, municipal policies, and partnerships?

Solution: HR Green’s Broadband team gathered and analyzed industry data and surveyed and talked with Mills County Broadband stakeholders, including farmers, utilities, elected officials, emergency response organizations, schools, libraries, businesses, realtors, and medical facilities. We also reviewed their public policy to see if there were any recommendations we might have to help further their broadband goals. Finally, we coordinated with the current providers to determine their plans for improving broadband issues and to gauge interest in collaborating with the County.

Once the funding had been secured and construction started, HR Green’s PMO team oversaw the installation of the infrastructure to support high-speed internet. Our staff acted as an Owner Representative to verify that the units were being installed to the standards and stipulations of the grant. The observation team was able to validate installation and invoicing to maintain that the grant funds were used correctly. In addition, HR Green delivered the project over $30,000 under budget.

Benefit: HR Green recommended two public policy changes and 12 steps the County could take immediately to make broadband improvements and identified State and Federal grant opportunities. HR Green developed a playbook for implementing the Mills County Broadband recommendations. Installation

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