
Biosolids Management Evaluation Study for Water Reclamation Facility, Sioux Falls, South Dakota

August 01, 2017 | Mike Roth, Dawn Hull, Matt Pajl, Jim Rasmussen

The Sioux Falls Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) treats primary and secondary sludges in three primary anaerobic digesters and one secondary digester. Treated sludge is stored in lagoons until disposal by land application. Continuation of the land application process will require significant investment. The primary purpose of this study is to evaluate alternative biosolids management and disposal methods. The study includes a forecast of biosolids production rates due to growth and future nutrient removal treatment processes. The study also addresses processing and storage options and establishes a 20-year biosolids management plan.

HR Green Authors: Michael Roth, Dawn Zahn, Matthew Pajl, James Rasmussen

Other Authors: Phillip Greenwood, Mark Hierholzer, Mark Perry

Published August 2017 by Water Practice & Technology

Posted with permission from IWA Publishing

The full article can be found by logging into the Water Practice & Technology website.

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