Anderson Road Extension Links Access to Metra


  • Local Governments
  • State Agencies


  • Award Winning
  • Construction
  • Engineering
  • Geospatial
  • Roadways + Interchanges
  • Surveying + Mapping
  • Traffic + Safety
  • Transportation


  • Kane County, Illinois

The Anderson Road Extension is a four-lane roadway that links Illinois Route 38 to Keslinger Road. The project provides a key north-south transportation link for vehicular access to the Metra commuter station in Elburn and relieves congestion along Illinois Route 47 by providing a grade-separation option over the railroad tracks. As part of Metra’s work along the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) West Line, a draft Environmental Assessment (EA) was prepared in Federal Transit Administration format but was never processed for federal approval. Metra provided the EA to Kane County for further processing. HR Green’s initial task was to convert the EA into a format acceptable for FHWA approval. The project was processed using the ECAD format so the County was eligible to utilize federal highway dollars.

Preliminary Design Studies

As part of the previous EA, preliminary geometry was established. HR Green sought concurrence from IDOT on the design criteria. Due to a historically significant farmstead located in the northwest corner of Anderson Road and Keslinger Road and due to wetlands north and west of the proposed structure, adjustments to the horizontal alignment were explored. A solution to move and refurbish the historic farmhouse was brokered and previously designed horizontal/vertical alignments were maintained. The major roadway change was to go from a rural cross-section to an urban cross-section to minimize impacts on the developer that owns most of the surrounding land.

HR Green designed the ultimate four-lane configuration and reviewed the staging of the interim two-lane design to maximize its salvagability, especially approaching the main intersections. The interim bridge layout was restructured to allow the additional lane construction once the volumes warrant the need. Preliminary studies included typical cross-sections and templated cross-sections every 100 feet, and establishment/verification of the proposed right-of-way.


HR Green performed a full topographic survey of the Anderson Road Extension, staking the proposed centerline alignment, and set monuments at the Illinois Route 38, UPRR, and Keslinger Road crossings with the proposed alignment. HR Green prepared a plat of highways for the 8,600 feet of the proposed roadway. HR Green also prepared individual parcel plats and legal descriptions for 12 parcels that required additional right-of-way or easements.

Traffic Analysis

HR Green performed new traffic counts, updated exhibits, and forecasted and coordinated the 2030 projections with CMAP.  Capacity analyses were performed for the intersections of Anderson Road at Keslinger Road and at Illinois Route 38 for both the existing and forecasted 2030 conditions. Analysis of the proposed condition considered both a four-lane and interim two-lane configuration.

The Phase II portion of the Anderson Road Extension included the preparation of contract plans, specifications, and estimates for the construction of Anderson Road from south of Keslinger Road to north of Illinois Route 38. This included the associated improvements to Keslinger Road, Metra Access Drive, Hicks Drive, Prairie Valley Street, and Illinois Route 38. The proposed improvements south of Keslinger Road, north of Illinois Route 38, and along Illinois Route 38 were later deleted from the plans due to right-of-way issues. Initially, the plans were separated into two construction contracts to allow for the adjacent developer (Shodeen) to build the section between Keslinger Road and the Metra Access Drive. However, these plans were ultimately combined to form one construction contract. Constant coordination with the Village of Elburn, Shodeen, and the various utility companies was necessary throughout the Phase II portion of the project.


ACEC Illinois – Merit Award

APWA Project of the Year – Chicago Metro Chapter

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