Data-based Stormwater Master Planning in Oskaloosa, IA

The City of Oskaloosa, Iowa, is perched high above various converging floodplains on the edge of town, yet it still experiences localized neighborhood flooding. Instead of a piecemeal approach, the City opted to take a more holistic approach and address multiple issues through the development of a stormwater conveyance system master plan.
The development of the master plan utilized sophisticated 2D H&H modeling and collaborative project identification/prioritization while incorporating data from public outreach efforts. The master plan will change how the City manages its stormwater system in a more sustainable manner moving forward.
HR Green’s Sandy Pumphrey, PE, CFM, ENV SP, and Sean Murphy from the City of Oskaloosa share their insight in the presentation Data-based Stormwater Master Planning in Oskaloosa, IA.
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