Ramp Management Feasibility Study
- Local Governments
- State Agencies
- Award Winning
- Engineering
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Planning
- Roadways + Interchanges
- Traffic + Safety
- Transportation
- Transportation Planning
- Des Moines, Iowa
The volume of traffic currently using the I-235 corridor is quickly approaching, and in some instances has already surpassed, the traffic projections used during the design process. Adding additional capacity to the corridor is simply too costly to consider. Transportation System Management programs, like ramp management, can help manage the flow of traffic providing more reliable/consistent travel times and improved corridor safety for significantly less money than many capacity improvements.
The I-235 Ramp Management Feasibility Study laid out a solid foundation for further study of Transportation Systems Management techniques for the corridor. The study ultimately found that the implementation of ramp metering along the corridor would result in a favorable benefit/cost ratio and could improve travel time reliability. The collection of travel time data along the corridor also provides a good basis for comparison of future studies.
HR Green, Inc. was the primary engineering consultant on the project. HR Green’s services included project management, data collection oversight, existing conditions review, ramp metering strategy review, benefit-cost ratio review, and overall project documentation.
ACEC Iowa – Engineering Achievement Award